The Prosecutor Dimitris Ferentinos was bribed or otherwise blackmailed, and this is because under no circumstances his actions can be justified in accordance to law, which resulted in the concealment of crimes.

he Prosecutor Dimitris Ferentinos was bribed or otherwise blackmailed, and this is because under no circumstances his actions can be justified in accordance to law, which resulted in the concealment of crimes.

The case,

On 30.06.2016 a Complaint is filed with the Rhodes Public Prosecutor’s Office, headed by Prosecutor Dimitris Ferentinos.

The plaintiff is Manolis Hatzisavvas, former President and CEO of the company Wind Park of Rhodes SA, who demands that the persons who illegally used his name and signature be punished as responsible, among many other illegalities against him and the Greek State, such as money laundering, fraud, theft of documents, forgery, establishment and ongoing activity of a criminal organization, etc. crimes as described in that Prosecution and argued with evidence.

The Lawsuit of Manolis Hatzisavvas was against front man of corrupt politicians of Greece such as Michalis Vagger, and Giannis Avrantinis, and German officials of ABB (a well-known company for frauds and bribe scandals around the world), The Lawsuit is related to Wind Park of Rhodes SA and MUNICIPALITY OF RHODES and contained heaps of crimes with evidence.



Since then and for the next 15 months, the filed Lawsuit, after first going from prosecutor to prosecutor of the Rhodes Public Prosecutor’s Office at a preliminary stage, ended up to be filed as non-valid based on the order of Prosecutor Dimitrios Ferentinos.

Prosecutor Dimitrios Ferentinos, in addition to filing the Lawsuit in violation of the Law because the Lawsuit also contained ex officio offenses, deliberately failed to inform the complainant as stipulated by the Criminal Code.


Prosecutor Dimitrios Ferentinos was most likely bribed or blackmailed, as a result of which he filed a lawsuit unjustifiably and without informing the complainant properly, thus committing a series of crimes.

The plaintiff Manolis Hatzisavvas, when he learns that his lawsuit was filed as non-valid with the Prosecutor Dimitrios Ferentinos order, is forced to send an out-of-court complaint to Prosecutor Dimitris Ferentinos, asking him to find out the reasons why he decided to file such a serious lawsuit. In fact without being notified according to the law of the Prosecutor’s decision to do the right thing.

Prosecutor Dimitris Ferentinos stubbornly refuses to receive the Out-of-Court Letter from complainant Manolis Hatzisavvas, intimidating and blackmailing the Bailiff in order not to notify the out-of-court letter to the Prosecutor’s Office.

εγκληση φερεντινος - FINAL

Complainant Manolis Hatzisavvas, when informed of the attitude of Prosecutor Dimitris Ferentinos, he then calls him on the phone asking him to explain himshelf

It is clear that the Prosecutor Dimitrios Ferentinos committed a number of crimes under the Criminal Code against theGreek citizen Manolis Hatzisavvas, and in fact committed the crimes in his capacity as Public Prosecutor of Rhodes, a capacity that burdens him with criminal charges.

Dimitrios Ferentinos today is the head of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Court of First Instance of Giannitsa town in Greece, his phone number is (+30) 2382025553