Upålidelige, korrupte og fuld af kriminelle, forrædere, æreløse politikere udgør hele tiden den græske regerings krop.

De snød og forrådte ham i stedet for at hædre ham for hans tjeneste som national spion, der opererede i Tyrkiet.

Vejledende nogle af beviserne her.

Tophemmelig kommunikation og udveksling af filer krypteret med en variabel nøgle og delt .pgp gennem en speciel kanal af NIS mellem den græske hærofficer Mr. Anastasios (Tasos) Kellaris, chef for den nationale efterretningstjeneste – NIS i Rhodos Echelon, fungerende operatør af den hemmelige agent for NIS Emmanouil ATH. Hatzisavvas fra Agios Isidoros Rhodes.


The secret agent of the NIS Emmanouil ATH. Hatzisavvas throughout his recruitment and action was an internationally wanted person as he is today.

The training of the secret agent of the NIS with action in Turkey, Mr. Emmanouil ATH. Hatzisavvas was carried out in Greece by staff of the NIS, Athens and Rhodes, even though at the same time as a wanted person, the Greek Ministry of Justice was asking the authorities of the Kingdom of Denmark for his extradition.

The Minister of Justice and the Prosecutor of the Supreme Court are criminally liable because despite knowing scandalously they hide the crimes that “touch” the Prime Minister of Greece.