Stavros Papastavrou in an offshore company in Panama AISIOS FOUNDATION together with Goldman Sachs banker Emmanuel Gavaudan.
Ο Σταύρος Παπασταύρου στην offshore εταιρεία του ΠΑΝΑΜΑ AISIOS FOUNDAT...-compressedStavros Papastavrou with the wife of Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis Maria Eva Virginia Grabowski on the board of directors of MG
CAPITAL ADVISOR AE. (SEE Page 1-2),which was later renamed to ZEUS & DIONE CLOTHING & FOOTWEAR TRADING COMPANY, with the distinctive title “ZEUS & DIONE SA” which is sponsored by a Panamanian offshore company Velvet Success S.A. interest of the notorious Greek businessman Laskaridis that his directors character in a Criminal organization network (See chart of the criminal organization)